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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

The most popular, epic webcomic you've never heard of

Ed Tan photographed Vriska Serket (left) and Aradia Megido (right) cosplayers at Sakuracon 2012. In an age of computers, smartphones, and instant gratification, studies lead us to believe that our attention spans are the shortest they’ve ever been. If that were completely true though, a 5,000 plus page webcomic shouldn’t be able to attract millions of fans, much less inspire them to raise a million dollarsin under a week. “Homestuck,”...

Contoh struct dengan pointer

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> struct orang { char nama[30],alamat[30]; short umur; }; main(){ struct orang *saya ; int i,n; cout<<"Jumlah data : ";cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++)     { cout<<"Nama : ";cin>>saya->nama; cout<<"Umur : ";cin>>saya->umur; cout<<endl; } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"Data ke ["<<i<<"] "<<"bernama " <<saya->nama<<" dan berumur " <<saya->umur<<" tahun"; cout<<endl; } getch(); ...

Pemberian Nilai Array Dengan Pointer

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main(){ int x[5], *p, k; clrscr(); p = x; x[0] = 5; x[1] = x[0]; /*x[1]diisi dengan x[0] sehingga x[1] = 5 */ x[2] = *p + 2; /*x[2] diisi dengan x[0] + 2 sehingga x[2] = 7 */ x[3] = *(p+1)-3; /*x[3] diisi dengan x[1] - 3 sehingga x[3] = 2 */ //x[4] = *(x + 2); /*x[4] diisi dengan x[2] sehingga x[4] = 7 */ x[4]=*(p+2)-1; for(k=0; k<5; k++) cout<<"\nx["<<k<<"] = "<< x[k]; getch(); ...

Contoh Pointer Dengan Array

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main(){ int tgl_lahir[] = { 13,9,1982 }; int *ptgl; ptgl = tgl_lahir; /* ptgl berisi alamat array */ cout<<"Diakses dengan pointer\n"; cout<<"Tanggal = "<< *ptgl; cout<<"\nBulan = "<< *(ptgl + 1); cout<<"\nTahun = "<< *(ptgl + 2); cout<<"\nDiakses dengan array biasa\n"; cout<<"Tanggal = "<< tgl_lahir[0]; cout<<"\nBulan = "<< tgl_lahir[1]; cout<<"\nTahun = "<< tgl_lahir[2]; getch();...

Program Fibonanci dengan Array

#include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> #define max 10 int fibo[max]; main(){ int i; fibo[1]=1; fibo[2]=1; for (i=3;i<max;i++) { fibo [i]=fibo[i-2]+fibo[i-1]; } cout<<max<<" Bilangan Fibonanci Pertama ada di : \n"; for (i=1;i<max;i++) { cout<<" "<<fibo[i];} getch();...

Menghitung IPK (Struct)

#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> struct mhs { int npm[15]; char nama [35] int terhapus; }mhs[3]; void main() { int i, cari, ketemu; cout<<"\t\t\tSTMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA"; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"\n\nMasukan Data"; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { cout<<"Nama = ";cin>>mhs[i].nama); cout<<"NIM = ";cin>>mhs[i].nim); data[i].terhapus = 0; }; cout<<"Isi data\n"; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if (data[i].terhapus == 0) //tampilkan data yg belum terhapus printf("Nama...

Contoh Sifat Akses Pada JAVA (Protected)

import*; class Soal3 { protected int a,b,c; public Soal3() { a=3; b=5; c=7; } public int fungsi1 () {return (a+b-c); } public void fungsi11() { if (a>b) System.out.println("Mengecek a dan b"); else if (b>c) System.out.println("Mengecek b dan c"); else System.out.println("Mengecek a dan c"); } } class Soal2 extends Soal3 { public int fungsi2() {return (c%2); } public void fungsi21() { for (int i=1;i<b;i++) c=c-a; System.out.println("Output 1= "+c); } } public class Soal1{ ...